Transitioning a Dairy Farm to Organic – 12/16/16 St Albans VT
Transitioning a Dairy Farm to Organic
Friday, December 16, 2016
12 – 2 pm
St. Albans Free Library
11 Maiden Lane, St. Albans
Do Low Milk Prices Have You Thinking About Organic Transition? Is organic dairy production something you have considered, or are curious about? Are you confused about the pasture requirements, what products are allowable, how certification works, or simply how to get started? This informal and friendly session with organic dairy consultant Sarah Flack and Stephanie Walsh of Vermont Organic Farmers will provide you with an overview of the transition process. The presentation will be tailored to the audience to ensure that your questions answered. Representatives from several dairy companies will also be on hand to describe their organic programs, including pay price and bonus structures. Even if you can’t get a contract with a buyer immediately and don’t start a transition tomorrow, this session can help you get the facts, and lay the groundwork to keep your future options open.
Two more meetings are being planned in Newport and Randolph for early 2017. If you can’t make it to one of these transition meetings but would still like to learn more, support is available through NOFA-VT’s Farmer Services Program.
Contact Jen for more information, 802-434-4122,