Workshop on grass based dairy farming in Walpole NH, August 12th

Overcoming Dairy Production Challenges – Monday, August 12, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Brookfield Farm, 460 Old Drewsville Road, Walpole, NH 03608

Join UVM Extension Agronomist Heather Darby and Sarah Flack, Livestock Production Consultant, for a pasture walk and talk addressing strategies for overcoming grass-fed dairy production challenges. Chris and Holly Gowdy have been managing a seasonal grass-fed dairy herd with the cows calving in late summer. This allows them to focus on produc-ing high quality first cut hay and align pasture productivity and herd demand.

Free event, but pre-registration is appreciated.

Please register by emailing or calling Susan Brouillette, or 802.524.6501. View our Events page on our website for online registration –