Workshop on grass based dairy in Highgate VT, August 28th
Dairy & Forage Production and Nutrient Management – Wed., August 28, 10:30 am -2:00pm
Choiniere’s Dairy, 2465 Gore Road, Highgate, VT 05459
Join UVM Extension Agronomist Heather Darby, Sarah Flack, Livestock Production Consultant, and host Guy Choiniere for a farm tour and discussion on grass-fed dairy production, soil fertility and nutrient management, forage produc-tion and quality, and much more. The Choiniere’s farm is grass-fed and emphasizes the importance of supporting for-age and animal productivity and quality through managing soil fertility and health.
Free event with lunch provided. Pre-registration requested.
Please register by emailing or calling Susan Brouillette, or 802.524.6501. View our Events page on our website for online registration –